Friday, October 19, 2007

I Heart Graveyards

Lets get bulky.
Well, I must explain this statement. I looked at the old blog (its about 3 days old) and I said to myself, it needs to be busting at the seems like a whale in a debs dress,so i thought why not wrangle in some of my buddies to contribute articles.
Guess who I got, yeah your thinking maybe he got that guy who played Spiderman.
You mean Toby Maguire, learn his fricken name mate!....but no not Toby.
I got it, you managed to get that hairy bloke from off the telly box and you know the one. What in the name of jumping jack.....oh you mean Russell Brand! No it isn't Brand but rather the italicised Mr Paul Griffin!
You might remember him from some of his you tube adventures, or maybe you've seen him hanging around a spar pestering women to avail of some free violin lessons
but in my blog, he'll have his own little corner to discuss his love of not just stir fry but also animals, yes those things we eat to make our bellies smile:).

Knowledge bombs that were dropped on my head in the past 24 hours:

  1. Graves our not for dry humping.
  2. Bravia and bud are not friends in my belly.
  3. I have the sweetest break in pool.
  4. Some people enjoy breaking jukeboxes *cough*.

I will never look at a grave in the sameway


Roy said...
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Roy said...

This post pulls at my heart strings and makes me want to reinvent myself. Luckily I have murdered enough women and collected enough of their skin to stitch myself a suit made entirely of female flesh. Thanks!